The images and videos presented below where captured with two sky surveillance cameras, one pointing to southeast and the other one pointing to southwest.
Visible halo types are
22° halo
Upper tangent arc
Parhelia (Sun dogs)
Parhelic circle
120° parhelion (visible in the video and the still image from the southwest camera)
A very faint arc above the Parhelic circle visible in the moving clouds of both cameras. This arc seems to touch th 22° halo, i.e. it is most likely a part of the the Wegeners arc.
Click on images or use the buttons to start a video.
Southeast camera
Southwest camera
Observation data:
Mar 30, 2018 between 11:50 and 12:26 CEST (=UTC+2h)
Pulsnitz, Germany
Sky surveillance cameras pointing to southeast and southwest